
Learn the most powerful personal development tool


Frankly speaking, it is not as difficult as you are thinking about it to be.

Whether you’re in need of a better night’s sleep, a chance to practice gratitude, or simply a reminder to take a deep breath, meditation is your answer. 

When you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or distracted, you can regain momentum by resting the attention on a single focal point, which is only possible through a guided process of meditation.

All you have to do is take a few seconds with us, sit back, relax, close your eyes and try not to think about anything. It will definitely take a few trials but it is worth it. 

Once you are able to master the art of meditation, you can train your minds to prune and hone your thoughts, to only focus on what’s useful and important, to disregard the rest, This may sound like little, but it adds up and the life benefits are massive.

Why Meditation?

Scientific studies show that 90% of happiness does NOT depend on the external circumstances but on the way our brain processes whatever is going on in our life at any given moment.

If that sounds unbelievable, let’s just think of a time we felt tired and as a consequence got irritated or unnerved by situations that were, in hindsight, not so bad at all.

Or let’s consider how someone suffering from depression can fail to find joy in things he/she used to love. It really is all in the head when it comes to processing life’s events.

So, the question is whether there is anything one can do — something real and tangible, not just quick-fix mood-making — that would help to see the glass half full rather than half empty? In fact, there is.


Course Content 

Module-1 : Meditation Introduction 

Module-2 : Breath Awareness Meditation 

Module-3 : Metta Meditation Experience 

Module-4 : Body Scan Meditation Experience 

Module-5 : Progressive Relaxation Meditation Experience 

Module-6 : Thought Observation (Zen) Meditation 

Module-7 : Mantra Meditation

Module-8 : Truth & Answers Meditation

Module-9 : Transforming Beliefs Meditation 

Module-10 : Values Meditation 


It will not carry you to another world but will reveal the most profound dimensions of the world in which you already live.  

You will be able to touch your inner space, which is nothingness and as silent and empty as the sky, it is your inner sky.